Music Together In-School Programs

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Bringing the Joy of Music to your child’s classroom!

MUSIC!Music Together In-School Programs For Children's Classrooms

Audio CD and music downloads for each song collection

Mixture of tonalities and meters

Variety of musical styles


Illustrated family songbook with music notation, activities, and music play ideas

Family resource guide Online access to the Family Music Zone at

Email flyers providing music development information and home activity suggestions

Parent Guide DVD for new families

Translations of songbook activities upon request

Classroom support materials and teacher mentoringMusic Together In-School Programs in Allentown PA


Music learning and development

Language development

Social and emotional development

Cognition and general knowledge

Physical and motor development Approaches to Learning


Weekly music class with an early-childhood trained music teacher

Singing! Dancing! Props! Instrument Play!

Music everyday in your child’s classroom Family Music Night



Please contact us for more information about bringing Music Together

to your child’s preschool or early education center!